To provide guidance on how best to facilitate the safe resumption of cultural events, exhibitions and conferences with national and international participation, and at the same time have effective measures in place to protect the health of delegates, staff and supporting personnel by reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission during the hotel, accommodation, transportation, preparations, and management of the event itself.

There activities in Phase 4 will be allowed for local events only- (for residents of Qatar). International events will be added after further review of COVID-19 transmission rates. The following guidance is applicable for both national and international events.)





Quarantine on arrival:

  • The local organizing committee chief medical officer needs to be notified at least 24 hours before the arrival of the delegates.
  • All international delegates (including permanent support staff that need to accompany the delegates such as bus drivers and others) are required to enter hotel quarantine before participation in the event.
  • They are only allowed to leave their hotel quarantine to participate in preparation of the event sites and to participate at the actual official event as per their schedule. Further arrangement to leave the hotel needs to be coordinated with the Local Organizing Committee’s (LOC) Chief Medical Officer who need to be appointed for every event from the Ministry of Public Health and the local organizing committee.
  • All international delegates need to arrive to Doha 3-7 days before the start of their first participation.
  • International delegates and organizers are strongly recommended to stay in hotels exclusively dedicated for them, allowing no other non-event hotel guests.
  • External visitors are strictly prohibited from the quarantine hotels.
  • Delegates at hotels who are suspected to have Covid-19 should be isolated and reported to the Public Health Dept.

COVID-19 Testing:

  • International delegates/participants (including officials) should be tested negative for COVID-19 disease within 48 hours before entering the country.
  • The PCR test certificates need to be issued by hospitals/clinics in the country of origin that are endorsed by MOPH.
  • Upon arrival in Qatar a COVID – 19 PCR test will be done at the airport for those who don’t have a pre-travel certificate with a negative test from the country of origin. A negative test result will be required to allow the delegate to continue with the intended activity.
  • Swabbing for the PCR test, when required, should be done for the delegates preferably with the attendance of a representative from event organizer/administrator, or a companion.
  • Subsequent swabbing for COVID-19 PCR testing will be undertaken from all delegates every 3 days till end of the individual or delegation participation in the event or until the completion of 2 weeks since arrival into Qatar.
  • The assigned medical staff, when applicable, or Local Organizing Committee (LOC) staff, at event venues, should check delegates’ temperatures each day, and any temperatures above 37.8°C should be reported to the event medical lead/ chief medical officer.

On arrival to the quarantine hotel:

  • The delegates will undergo thermal scanning and could be interviewed for possible symptoms and signs of COVID-19 disease.
  • If the delegate is found to be symptomatic (fever, cough, flu-like illness etc.) he/she will be referred to a designated hospital for further assessment and management accordingly.
  • COVID-19 positive delegates who are actively infected will not be allowed to participate.
  • Refusal of COVI-19 PCR testing will result in dismissal from participation in the event.

If participants arriving in a bus:

  • Masks to be worn by all.
  • Delegates should be transported in small groups to avoid spread of infection maintaining the 1.5 meters distance all the time (maximum 50% of bus capacity using alternate seats)
  • Hand sanitizers should be made available on the bus.

Meals and Restaurants:

  • Preferably, meals should not be served during an event or be kept at minimum e.g. boxed meals.
  • Bottled water only allowed.

Use of Health Clubs, Gyms and Spas:

  • The delegate may use the gym and other recreational areas at the hotel of accommodation in line with MOPH guidelines for Health Clubs, Gyms and Spas.
  • Customers not staying in the hotel should not be sharing the same gym, clubs of spas where the delegates are staying.
  • Ensure availability of rubber gloves to team staff and volunteers handling laundry, towels, etc.
  • Ensure that tissues and trash bins with lids are available on all buses and in all facility where the activity is taking place.
  • Ensure the wide availability of hand sanitizers at the hotel and at the event venue.





  • All exhibitors/speakers/organizers and all participants should wear face masks all the time while at the activity venue.
  • Each Event organizing team should have a non-contact thermometer (e.g. infrared) to screen staff and delegates temperature check on arrival.
  • Anyone participating in the event (exhibitors, speakers, delegates volunteer, official, suppliers, food handler etc.) should proactively and regularly check their health status (including taking their temperature, and monitoring for any symptoms).
  • Anyone due to participate in the event who has fever or is feeling ill should not come to the venue and be advised to go home and contact 16000 for advice.
  • Provide hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol at entrances, exists, elevators, escalators, throughout the exhibition floor and other areas with commonly touched surfaces.
  • Thoroughly sanitize each table after attendees leave.
  • Enhance cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces such as elevator buttons, railings, door handles, public seating, payment devices, microphones, podiums etc.
  • Event staff and volunteers should perform hand hygiene frequently.
  • Consider how emergency response plans may need to be modified to accommodate physical distancing.

Reducing Transmission:

  • Masks to be worn by all staff and participants, at all times and should be worn properly and discarded in bins with covers Please refer to MOPH guidance on proper wearing of face masks.
  • On arrival Check EHTERAZ App is downloaded for all participants who are 18 and above, check that the status is green to allow



  • Ask vendors to avoid handling samples, promotional items or brochures to attendees.
  • Use contactless payment/ticketing and avoid cash payments where possible. Practice hand hygiene between tasks if required to handle cash.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after handling a shared item.
  • Avoid physical contact e.g. hugging, handshakes etc.
  • Frequent cleaning and disinfection of regularly touched surfaces mandatory.
  • Ensure that vendors, exhibitors and attendees greet each other in ways that do not include touching; discourage shaking hands and other types of physical contact
  • Avoid handling cash at ticket counters and use digital ticketing and purchase.