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Deep rooted meaning of S’hail – Hunting begins now

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]S’hail – is also known as Canopus, the only star that is closely related to hunting. It is a sign of a new beginning. Every year birds and hunters eagerly wait for S’hail to shine in the sky to begin their journey. It has four different stages, and every stage is equally symbolic. In the dark deep ignorance S’hail is the only guiding light towards the fascinating world of hunting and falconry.

S’hail is of great importance in Arabic culture as well. Many legendry Arabic poets have described about the importance of S’hail in their masterpieces.

In nature the season of hunting begins only after S’hail shines in the sky, and in the commercial world of hunting and falconry S’hail – Katara International Hunting & Falcon Exhibition marks the beginning.
